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Need More Leads? 9 Design Tips for Improving Lead Conversions

April 22, 2022
Ferdie L. Eusebio
5 minute read

Design is everything when it comes to converting leads. If people can't see what you're selling, they won't buy it. Why do you think Apple's so successful? It's not just the great products; it's the amazing design of their stores and advertising that helps lure customers in. If you're looking for ways to generate more leads from your website, then incorporating the concept of lead generation into your design is necessary.

Lead generation is the process of finding and attracting potential customers. This can be done through various marketing activities, such as content marketing, search engine optimization, and social media marketing.

When done correctly, lead generation can be a powerful tool for growing your business. However, it’s important to remember that not all leads are created equal. To generate high-quality leads that are likely to convert into customers, you’ll need to create an effective lead generation strategy.

Like most business owners, you are always looking for new ways to generate more leads. And if you are not happy with the number of leads your website generates, it might be time to make some changes.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to improve your website’s design and make it more user-friendly and attractive to potential customers. Check out these 10 tips to improve your lead conversions through better design. You might be surprised at how easy some of these are!

What is Lead Conversion?

Before we start talking about the tips, let’s talk about lead conversion for a bit to help add context.

Lead conversion is the process by which a potential customer or lead becomes a paying customer. Many businesses focus on growing their lead intake, but not enough attention is typically paid to how these leads are ultimately converted into customers.

In order for the lead conversion to be effective, it is important to understand what tactics and strategies drive conversions and which ones don't. Some key elements of successful lead conversion include tailoring your messaging based on who you are targeting and having an effective sales funnel in place that takes users from the top to the bottom of your sales process.

By focusing on these and other factors, businesses can make sure that they are maximizing their lead conversion rates and enjoying bigger profits as a result.

This will help make your website more inviting, and it will encourage visitors to take action and become leads. By following these simple tips, you can start seeing a significant increase in your website's lead conversion rate.

What is a good conversion rate?

A conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to a website who take the desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a contact form. Conversion rates are important because they indicate how well a website is performing in terms of its ability to convert visitors into customers or leads.

A high conversion rate means that a website is effective in converting visitors, while a low conversion rate indicates that a website needs improvement. It can be improved by optimizing the design and content of a website, as well as by implementing effective marketing and conversion strategies.

Also, conversion rates are typically higher for websites that offer high-quality products or services, have user-friendly designs, and provide compelling reasons for visitors to take the desired action.

Finally, conversion rates are an important metric for businesses to track, and improving conversion rates should be a priority for any business with an online presence.

Web Design Tips for Improving Lead Conversion

Stating the obvious, lead conversion is important because it directly impacts your business's bottom line. By improving your website's design and user experience, you can encourage more visitors to take the desired action, whether that's subscribing to your newsletter, signing up for a free trial, or making a purchase.

And while there are a number of factors that contribute to successful lead conversions, such as great copywriting and targeted traffic, today we're going to focus on web design. Because even if you have the best product or service in the world, poor web design can still kill your chances of converting leads.

So if you are ready to start generating more leads for your business, here are 10 web design tips you can use to improve your site's conversion rate:

1. Use a Clear, Concise Headline in your Content

Your headline in your content is one of the first things visitors will see when they land on your website, so it's important to make sure it's eye-catching and informative.

It should clearly state what you do or what you are offering, and it should be short and to the point.

Avoid using jargon or long, drawn-out sentences—you want to make it easy for visitors to understand what you do within seconds of landing on your site.

2. Use Engaging Visuals

When it comes to web design, aesthetics are an essential consideration. After all, a website is a visual medium, and users expect to be engaged and captivated by engaging visuals.

While text is still an important part of any website, engaging visuals can play a key role in increasing lead generation and conversion rates. Humans are visual creatures, and studies have shown that we respond more positively to images than to text alone.

In addition, attractive visuals can help to grab attention and draw visitors in, making them more likely to stick around and explore your site. When used effectively, visuals can be a powerful tool for generating leads and driving conversions.

For starters, use people-based images. It has been proven time and again that when people see other people in pictures, they tend to relate to themselves or see themselves in that situation.

This is why images of people eating or drinking a company’s product are more effective at attracting customers than plain product images.

Another excellent example of engaging visuals leading to more leads is infographics. They're easy to share, they're visually appealing, and they can communicate a lot of information in a small space.

But what makes an infographic effective? First, it needs to be well-designed and easy to understand.

Second, it needs to tell a story that will resonate with your audience.

And third, it needs to be shareable.

The best infographics are ones that people want to share with their friends and followers. So if you're looking to create an infographic that will generate leads, make sure it's something that people will want to share.

3. Use Easy-To-Read Typography

Have you ever been to a website and found the text to be so small that you had to squint to read it? Or, conversely, so large that it took up half the screen? Chances are good that you immediately left that site—and chances are even better that you didn’t come back.

That’s because readability is crucial when it comes to keeping people engaged with your content. If they can’t read it, they won’t convert.

Enter easy-to-read typography. This simply refers to the size, color, and style of the text on your website.

And while it may seem like a minor detail, it can have a major impact on your bottom line. That’s because easy-to-read typography makes your content more accessible and therefore more likely to be read—and when people read your content, they’re more likely to convert into leads or customers. So if you want to improve your lead generation and conversion rates, start by making sure your typography is easy to read.

While there's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to choosing the right typography for your website, there are a few general rules you should follow:

  • Use a simple, clean font that's easy to read
  • Stick to 1-2 fonts throughout your site (too much can be confusing and can make your website look cheap)
  • Use contrasting colors for your text and background

Remember, your website's typography—the style, size, and color of your font—plays a big role in its overall design.

4. Make Your CTA Buttons Stand Out

When it comes to design, CTA buttons can be notoriously tricky to get right.

On the one hand, you want them to be noticeable and eye-catching enough to grab attention.

On the other hand, you don't want them to be so flashy that they end up being too disruptive.

Striking a balance between these two can be tough, but it's important to get it right if you want your CTA buttons to be effective.

Here are a few tips to help you make your CTA buttons stand out:

  • Use color sparingly.

A little bit of color can go a long way towards making a button stand out. But beware of using too much color, as this can quickly become overwhelming and off-putting.

Instead, try using a single accent color that complements the overall design of your website or app.

  • Keep the rest of your design clean and simple.

An overly cluttered or busy design will make it hard for users to focus on your CTA button. So keep the rest of your interface clean and streamlined, with plenty of white space around your button.

  • Use contrasting colors.

Another way to make your button stand out is to use contrasting colors for the background and the button itself.

For example, if your website has a light color scheme, you could use a dark-colored button. Or if your site uses mostly warm colors, you could use a cool-colored button to add some visual interest.

5. Use Negative Space

Negative space, also known as whitespace, is the empty space on a web page.

And while it might seem counterintuitive to design with empty space in mind, using negative space can actually help to make your website more user-friendly and easy on the eyes.

When used correctly, negative space can help to highlight key elements on your page, making them more likely to be noticed by visitors.

For example, if you have a form that you want visitors to fill out, placing it in an area of negative space will make it stand out more than if it were surrounded by other elements. The same goes for calls to action (CTAs) or any other important information that you want visitors to see.

By using negative space, you can effectively guide visitors towards taking the actions that you want them to take.

Take a look at this image below:

The white wall is the negative space. It helped highlight the objects in the room, which are the chair and the plant.

So if you're looking for ways to improve your website's lead generation and conversion rates, don't forget about the power of negative space. Used correctly, it can be a helpful tool in getting visitors to take the actions that you want them to take.

6. Use a grid layout

Grid layouts are a great way to organize content on your website in an easily digestible format.

By using a grid, you can ensure that all of your content is evenly spaced out and easy to scan.

This can help prevent visitors from feeling overwhelmed by too much information at once, and it can also help you better highlight specific pieces of content (such as CTAs).

By creating a structured layout, you can make it easier for visitors to find the information they're looking for. This, in turn, can help encourage them to fill out forms or take other actions that will convert them into leads.

7. Stick To A Consistent Color Scheme

When it comes to web design, one of the most important principles is consistency. In order for your website to look polished and professional, it needs to maintain a consistent color scheme throughout.

This involves using the same colors on your homepage, navigation bar, and other key elements of your site so that visitors can quickly understand and navigate your design.

Choosing a good color scheme can be tricky, but there are some tried-and-true methods you can use to find complementary colors that will work well together.

For example, you might try using a pair of complementary colors from a color wheel or choosing shades from the same hue family.

By sticking with one consistent color scheme throughout your design, you not only make your site more visually appealing but also help improve its usability and accessibility.

So if you are looking to create an eye-catching web presence that users can easily navigate, be sure to stick with a consistent color scheme!

8. Pay Attention To Your Website's Load Time

Slow loading times are a major pain point for users when browsing the web. Not only does it lead to frustration, but it can also cause people to abandon your site altogether.

No one likes a slow website. In fact, studies have shown that website speed has a direct impact on lead generation and conversion rates. If your site takes more than a few seconds to load, you're likely losing potential customers. And in today's competitive marketplace, that's simply not acceptable.

There are a number of factors that can contribute to a slow website. It could be the result of poorly coded pages, heavy image files, or too much traffic. Regardless of the cause, it's important to take action to improve your site's load time. Otherwise, you're at risk of losing business to your competitors.

While this might not seem like a web design concern, when you consider how your design actually affects the website’s load time, then this aspect must be included in your design planning.

Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to improve your website's speed. These include optimizing images, using caching techniques, and reducing the amount of code on each page. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your site loads quickly and efficiently, providing a better experience for your visitors and improving your chances of generating leads and sales.

By taking measures to improve loading times, you can help ensure that users have a positive experience on your site.

9. Make Sure Your Website Is Responsive

With more and more people accessing the internet on mobile devices, it's important to make sure your website is responsive—meaning it can be easily viewed on all screen sizes.

By ensuring your site can be easily viewed on a variety of devices, you'll not only improve the user experience, but you'll also be more likely to generate leads and conversions.

One way to make sure your site is responsive is to use a responsive design framework. This will ensure that your site automatically adjusts to fit the screen size of the device it's being viewed on.

In addition, you should also test your site regularly on different devices to make sure it looks and functions as intended.

You can use a tool like Google's mobile-friendly test to see if your website is already responsive.

By following these simple tips, you can help improve your website's design and start generating more leads for your business!


While there are many factors to consider when it comes to designing a website that converts leads, these nine design tips should get you started.

Have you tried any of these techniques? If not, give them a try and see how they impact your lead conversion rates.

And if you’re looking for help implementing any of these principles or want to take your website design to the next level, be sure to check out Instacap.

We offer an easy-to-use platform that helps teams collaborate on website design projects in real-time.

So why wait? Get started today and see how Instacap can help you boost your lead conversions.

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